~One Christmas Day~

Her husband had left her with four young children to raise. Just a few months before Christmas and the holiday pressed heavy on her heart. All around her evidence of the impending day herald the joyous occasion.

Determined to see that her children would have a Christmas, she took the money jar down from the shelf and counted out the last of her meager dollars. This wouldn't even cover the cost of a tree, let alone the presents and dinner. A tear fell from her eye, not for herself, but for her baby's. Memories of abundant Christmas's past, flashed before her and she sighs. If she could only have a portion of just one of them.

Something had to be done, but what? It then dawned on her, perhaps she could find toys at the second hand store and restore them to gift quality. Hope lifted her spirits. At least this was better than nothing.

As she was leaving the house, she passed her neighbor as he was taking out the trash. On top of the garbage laid a pitiful looking little white artifical tree. She commented to her neighbor about it and he told her that he had no use for it anymore and that she could have it if she wanted.

Trying to conceal her elation, she took the precious treasure into the house. There were no decorations to put on it, nor lights. This wasn't going to get her down though. There had to be a way to make the tree look festive. About then the children arrived home from school. They were so excited to see a tree in the house. Digging in their school packs they presented her with paper chains they had made and a few handmade ornaments. It was beginning to look like Christmas.

Recalling all the ornaments she use to make as a child she invited her baby's to help her cut snowflakes out of paper and the evening was spent stringing popcorn on thread. They also made sugar cookies. By the time they were done putting these goodies on the tree, there wasn't a finer tree on the block. The carefully wrapped, refurbished toys she had found completed the picture.

There would be no turkey this year, but the children seemed happy to have macaroni and cheese, with hot dogs. The smiles on her baby's face as they were tucked into bed that night, warmed her heart, as she laid her weary head on her pillow. They were going to be just fine.

In the middle of the night she was awakened by the sound of sleigh bells. Opening the door she tried to locate where the sound had come from, but to no avail. A light snow was falling and the ground was white. It was truely a Christmas morning. Inhaling the crisp air, she thanked the Lord for not failing her children and went back to bed.

About dawn she was once again awakened by the mysterious sound of sleigh bells. Only this time the bells were followed by a knock on the door. Tenatively she opened the door. Who would come calling at such a early hour on Christmas morning? There on her doorstep were four jolly men sporting santa hats. They broke into song "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" and invited themselves in. Placing a huge tree in the corner of the room and decorated it with amazing speed. If this wasn't enough, they placed under the tree an enormous amount of gifts, gayle wrapped. Then they filled her kitchen floor with box after box of groceries and layed the biggest turkey she ever saw in her life in her arms.

Overcome with emotion she was speechless. They departed as quickly as they had arrived and left her standing there holding that turkey and in shock over the event. Their departing words were "Merry Christmas from the Elks" as they merrily went on their way, jingling those wonderful sleigh bells.